Did you know that autumn is my favourite season? I love it for its colours, I love it because with lower temperatures is nice to stay in the bed, reading your favourite book, I love it because it brings you directly to the most beautiful day of the year, Christmas day. And the pumpkins and chestnuts... To celebrate it worthly I have stitched, using a Waxing Moon Designs pattern, a big pumpkin that then I have finished as a pochette for embroidery and I have done also a floss tag using the border leaves.

Quindi ho cucito sugli angoli delle zucche di fimo sempre fatte da me. Questo e' un ricamo molto speciale per me... davvero molto speciale.
Then I have stitched on the corners some fimo pumpkins done by me. This is a very special stitch for me... really very, very special...
Bene, ci sono un milione di cose che dovrei mostrarvi, come le meraviglie che ho ricevuto dallo swap di Nina (non posso mostrarvi i miei lavori, che sono ancora in viaggio), altre creazioni fatte, altri swap ricevuti e inviati, ma da qualche parte dovevo pur ricominciare, no?
Well, there are another million things I would like to show you, as the wonderful things I have received from Nina in our private exchange (I cannot show my works as they are still on their way for her), other creations done, other swaps done and received, but somewhere I had to restart, isn't it?
Piano piano questo blog prendera' nuovamente vita, e si preparera' al consueto exploit natalizio! Ma per oggi non e' finita... guardate il mio prossimo post!
Little by little this blog will live again and will be ready for the usual Christmas exploit! But it's not finished for today... check next post!
3 commenti:
Muy bonitos tus trabajos y muy otoñales, besos
Ciao Tizy,
I'm so excited, I think your pack will arrive to me in this week, I feel... :)
I'll let you know immediately when it's arrive.
Thank you :)
Big hugs,
Oh, the Waxing Moon pieces are lovely and fantastic!
I have started months ago this chart too, but I think I'll finish next year.
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