A new hexagon-attack? This time is my friend's Adry fault. She came to visit me last Sunday and she taught to me to create a little hexagon bag which is SOOOOO DELICIOUS! When it's finished, it's heart-shaped, and I will use it to put the bijoux I will bring on holiday.

Io l'ho rifinita con uno yoyo e con una chiusurina in velcro, cosi' i bijoux non scappano neanche in valigia!
I have finished it with a yoyo and with a strap closure, so that the bijoux don't run out also when I will put it in the suitcase!
E se volete dare un'occhiata, ho anche appena aggiornato con la mia ultima creazione Pink Craft Bazar, la mia vetrina virtuale piena di idee da regalare e da regalarsi!
And if you want to have a look, I have also updated with a new creation Pink Craft Bazar, my virtual "showroom" full of ideas for a nice gift for friends or for yourself.
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